I try and find time to meditate, sometimes I sit at home on the floor with soft music and just sit in my own space and try and relax, sometimes I sit in bed and just lay there a little extra before I get up in the morning to allow my body to adjust and wake itself up instead of jumping and running out of bed to get the day started.
I find that most time when I wanna really let things go I am either camping and on float trips, or I take the Motorcycle out and let the wind blow all of the things I am thinking away, as I glide down the road, wind whipping at me, kind of like running through a crowd of hands grabbing at you trying to pull your clothes off, but the wind is pulling at me pulling away my quilt, hurt, remorse, pain, thoughts I can't control, the past, tears. have you ever had your hand out a window of your car, and the pressure that is being applied to your hand as you go faster and faster, or you see that dog with his nose in the wind, I get to have all of this amazing pressure on me, just pushing into my body, and the faster I go the more it pushes out the bad, and pushes in new life and new space, how can that not be a good thing. Maybe this is why dogs have such a great life, let it all just blow away, nothing to worry about..
The other time is when I am on the river, sitting along the bank of the water, letting my feet dip into the cold water, allowing my body to relax with the coldness as if I am falling into a dark sleep, where my life is being taken from me, as it also takes away all of the stress and thoughts I don't need to keep anymore. I let my mind drift into the sound of the water rolling off of the rocks and trickle into me, freezing everything inside and washing it out as it flows.
Sitting back in camp I have a warm fire, and then let the heat re-enter my body and warm me back into life again, allowing the strong solid thoughts to rebuild and grow with the heated warmth that comes from those dancing flames, as you watch them you can only wanna get up and dance along with them, and rejoice in the glow that comes from inside those white hot embers underneath, even with the fire dancing you can watch the leave from the tree's above also dancing from the power of the heat that is rising from the ground, making you feel lighter than where the coldness had you before.
Please also check out this link, it wont allow me to post the picture, but if I could ever find this place, I know I would be in a magical place, if nothing more than piece.

I have also been using my writing to help to remove these thoughts that come across my mind, and since I have just been starting this blog, though a little slow so far in posting, I have a number of saved posts I need to edit and post live, but just finding the time to really put it all to word can be hard to find sometimes, so I hope this is my start to being a little more fluid with my posts and timely in making them all live...
So, where do you go, what are your techniques that take all of your pains and troubled thoughts away when you need to just let them go. I am looking for other ways, because sometimes I cant do the things I have talked about, and need other outlets to help me remove the things that don't matter from my everyday life. Where do you find your piece and your happiness again...
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